Popcorn ceiling removal can be an untidy job. Before removing a popcorn ceiling, it is necessary to test for asbestos. A new ceiling might be better than covering the popcorn with popcorn. Are you acoustic ceilings with bumps that look like cottage cheese? These “popcorn ceilings,” or lumpy room covers, were trendy in the 20th century. However, this style is quickly becoming outdated. According to Boynton Beach Popcorn Ceiling Removal & Drywall Contractors, a popcorn ceiling is one of many signs that your home may be “hopelessly old.” It’s not an easy job to remove popcorn ceilings. Because they could contain dangerous asbestos fibers, it’s not an easy task. Many people choose to cover the popcorn with a new ceiling layer because it is easier and safer than removing it. This article will explain how to cover or remove an acoustic roof. In most cases, a professional is required. Popcorn ceilings are believed to give rooms an outdated look by many homeowners. A thick coating of drywall was applied to flat drywall, also known as Sheetrock or Gypsum Wallboard. It is the same material that you would use for walls. The bumpy layer is made of a water-based paint-like substance mixed with paper, Styrofoam, or mineral vermiculite. This coating was first used by builders in 1945 to reduce construction costs. The coating was easy to apply, did not need to be painted over, and covered a variety of imperfections in drywall, such as uneven joints and seams between drywall panels and hammer dents caused by nailing. Its irregular texture and sound-dampening (“acoustic”) properties make it a popular choice in bedrooms, living rooms, and hallways. However, popcorn ceilings proved difficult to clean over time. The bumpy texture also made rooms appear darker by reflecting light less. The 1978 Clean Air Act banned the production of new texture coatings containing asbestos. However, the existing stock could still have been used. Asbestos fibers could be found in ceilings that were installed in the 1980s. The asbestos used in popcorn coatings was eventually replaced with non-toxic materials. However, ceilings eventually lost popularity as the design trends favored smooth ceilings. They look better and are easier to clean. Popcorn ceiling removal is a popular home improvement. Asbestos can be found in soil and rocks as heat-resistant minerals. Inhaled asbestos can get lodged in the lungs. This can cause mesothelioma (a type of lung cancer) and other diseases. A popcorn ceiling containing asbestos can crumble and release harmful dust into the atmosphere. It is vital to remove it or test the ceiling for asbestos. Buy a mail-in asbestos test kit. These kits can be purchased online, at hardware stores, or at home-improvement centers for $30-65. Ensure the equipment has been approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and follow all safety instructions. If you are unsure whether the kit can be used correctly, don’t attempt to do it yourself. You will usually need to scrape some ceiling texture into a bag and seal it. Then, send the sample off to a certified lab. An asbestos testing company can examine your ceiling. It usually costs around $500 but is safer and more reliable than DIY testing. The EPA’s State Asbestos Contacts site can help you find experts in your area. You also have the option to search for certified and licensed asbestos testing companies. You may also find companies that can remove popcorn ceilings. It’s best to have one company perform the testing, and another company completes the removal work. The simplest solution is to cover it up. There are many options for handling bumpy ceilings, depending on your DIY skills and whether or not the popcorn coating contains asbestos. It is possible to cover the popcorn by adding a second ceiling above the one you have. This can be done by you or a professional. No matter if your ceiling is asbestos-free, you can still add another ceiling. It’s essential to test the popcorn before you install the ceiling. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, if your ceiling is made of asbestos, it’s safer than removing the popcorn. It is crucial to cover the ceiling while minimizing any surface disturbance to reduce the likelihood of the fibers becoming airborne. A ceiling can be covered with materials such as: This job is too difficult to handle on your own, so hire a ceiling or drywall contractor. Materials and labor will cost you $2.50 per square foot. You might be able to add a ceiling layer to your home if you have the tools and skills to install drywall. If the ceiling is asbestos-coated, you should only add a ceiling layer if it’s safe to do so. You will need to have a second person for this job. This is the challenge you need to take on: You can also remove the popcorn ceiling and leave the drywall below. A licensed asbestos-abatement professional must remove the asbestos-containing material (see below). Even if the material does not contain asbestos, it is a difficult job that most homeowners prefer to leave to professionals. The popcorn ceiling was installed initially to conceal drywall joints that were not adequately covered. The drywall will necessitate patching and sanding due to imperfections underneath the texture and any nicks or scrapes that might occur during removal. Because it was probably not painted previously, the entire ceiling will need priming. While most professionals have their method for removing asbestos-free popcorn ceilings from their homes, it is common to follow this pattern: Protect the floor, baseboards, and lower walls with rosin (a heavy-duty, felt paper used on job sites) or heavy-duty, plastic drop cloths. Lightweight plastic sheeting is often used to drape the walls. To allow ventilation, open windows. Turn off the power supply to electrical outlets, ceiling fans, and light fixtures at the circuit breaker panel. Ceiling light fixtures should be removed. Pros will wear dust masks and test the texture of a corner of the ceiling. Boynton Beach Popcorn Ceiling Removal & Drywall Contractors will use a scraper to remove the texture. If not, they spray warm water on the ceiling with a pump sprayer or garden sprayer. Then wait for about fifteen minutes for it to absorb the liquid. The scraping starts. They will usually only work in sections of approximately 2×2 feet. It is important not to damage drywall by over-soaking the texture. The moisture is then reapplied as necessary to release the texture. After scraping, they will collect all drop cloths and dispose of them. After the ceiling has dried completely, they will fill in any holes or gouges, fix the joint drywall tape, and apply a smooth texture. They will also prime and paint the ceiling. Removing an asbestos-free popcorn ceiling may be possible if you are skilled at DIY and have a few tools. Be prepared for a messy and challenging job. To remove the mud-like paint substance, ceilings must be sprayed with lots of water. You will see globs of muddy material fall to the ground once you start scraping the ceiling. Prepare for this by clearing out all furniture, drapes, or other items. Follow the steps outlined above. Never attempt to remove asbestos from your popcorn ceiling. You and your family could be exposed to fibers if you try to remove the material. The ability to hire Boynton Beach Popcorn Ceiling Removal & Drywall Contractors to remove your popcorn ceiling is dependent on the presence of asbestos. Check that the ceiling specialist, painter, or drywall contractor is licensed and bonded. Ask your friends and neighbors for recommendations, and then search online for reviews. Compare three quotes. Be wary of anyone who gives you quotes over the telephone before diagnosing the problem. Ask the contractor for information about safety concerns or other inconveniences that may affect you and your family. To remove the item, you must employ a professional. While certification is not required by federal law, many state laws do. An asbestos contractor usually charges between $3-9 per square foot to remove the popcorn ceiling. This is in addition to several thousand dollars for the whole house. Popcorn removal professionals have helped yelpers. Popcorn ceilings can be a major eyesore in a beautiful home. The thought of manually sanding the popcorn ceiling off is much more painful than having to look at it. These ceilings were once considered a cool thing to have. However, times have changed, and people now have strong feelings about them. This little tool will make it easy to get rid of the popcorn ceiling texture. 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Popcorn Ceiling Removal
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Popcorn is a problem.
Test your ceiling for asbestos
Two ways to test for asbestos in popcorn coatings:
Can you DIY a ceiling cover-up?
How pros remove a popcorn ceiling
Is it possible to DIY popcorn removal?
Professional help
These are some general tips for hiring:
If the ceiling is made of asbestos
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